Valorant Guide Hub: Quick Access to Tips and Strategies

Valorant is a fast-paced tactical shooting game. This game has taken the FPS shooter to the next level. to perfect this game, here are some tips and guides to go on.

Use Your Agent Unlocking Very Wisely

You start your play with 5 agents: Brimstone, Jett, Phoenix, Sova, and Sage. Amongst these initial Agents, we have got two duelists: Jett and Phoenix, while the remaining three are of other category Agents, namely, Brimstone is a Controller, Sova is an Initiator, and Sage is a Sentinel.

You will receive 2 agent unlocks as part of the Play to Unlock contract for new players: One when your XP reaches a value of 7,000 and another when it reaches 12,000. After this, you will have to unlock agents through their individual agent contracts that require unlocking with a whopping 200,000 XP!

With the good variety of agents they offer you upfront, just sit back and utilize all of them for a while before diving into unlocking a new one.

The Practice Range is Your Best Friend

Valorant's Practice Range: Everything you need to know

Before you get to the business of kicking it out and getting into a game of Valorant, you gotta check out the Open Range! This open range allows you to play with any weapon and any agent’s abilities with unlimited money.

You’ll get a chance to discover some guns you don’t like, given your playstyle, and you can even try out any agent here, including the ones you haven’t unlocked yet. Go for it! 

Communicate, communicate, communicate!

  • It’s a team game: it doesn’t matter how you perform as an individual; there will be some cases when really good teamwork is required to win the game.
  • The best way will always be to use a headset and call out enemy positions to your teammates; however, that may not always be possible. Luckily, Valorant has an amazing ping system. By default, the key “Z assigned in settings allows each ping automatically to ping that location pointed out by your crosshair. Call out anything in sight; if you were to ping a foe or spike, it would notify the entire team about these points.

General Tips

  • Valorant is quite a tough nut to crack, and that being said, don’t feel bad if you’re going through a dry patch. There is a steep learning curve, so for this time, concentrate on absorbing the essence of each round. Worry less about your K/D ratio and more about when you feel that you are ready for some competitive play. Progress has reverted to the end of closed beta.
  • Do not stay stuck on one agent/type of agent. In team games, a team player must fill the gaps. This way, you will force yourself to learn other agents, and your presence will surely be appreciated by your teammates. While filling needed roles sounds easy, most people won’t step out of their comfort zones within this type of game, so being one that does presents plenty of utility.
  • Don’t ADS. This isn’t needed. Valorant guns are accurate if you’ve got the aim, so while some weapons do have ADS as their secondary fire, a lot of the time, you don’t even need it. This is generally going to severely compromise you: your view shrinks, your rate of fire goes down, and you can’t aim as quickly. Radius to decide when to use ADS will mean the difference between a headshot and getting shot yourself.
  • Learn everything there is to know about maps. Control the angles, control the game. Learning the maps and understanding the best flanks and angles will give you an edge while working in online gunfights. If you knew where the enemy could come from, then you’d know what lines of sight to be aware of. 

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