7 Best Places to Fish in Black Desert (A Complete Guide)

A player of BDO and finding the best places to fish in Black Desert? I was once there too. I understand how annoying it could be in the game when you don’t find the best places to fish in the black desert. Black Desert is a game full of adventures and challenges and finding the best places to fish is one of those challenges.

Today, In this article we will be talking about the best places to fish in Black Desert apart from that we will be discussing many interesting topics related to this game. Without any further delay let us start with this article. Read this article till the end to get all your answers.

Best Places to Fish in Black Desert

Let us quickly discuss the best places to fish in the Black Desert. Here are the places you can fish in the Black Desert.

  • Fishing Spot 1 – Cron Castle area (boat)
  • Fishing Spot 2 – South of Heidel (shore)
  • Fishing Spot 3 – North of Velia (boat)
  • Fishing Spot 4 – NW of Velia over Flounder knowledge marker
  • Fishing Spot 5 – Just barely SW of the Beltfish knowledge marker NW of Velia
  • Fishing Spot 6 – Paratama Island in between Ilya and Velia
  • Fishing Spot 7 – Near Fishing NPC Jiro between the river bridge and Bradie Fortress (shore)

What Are Fishing Hotspots In BDO?

Fishing hotspots are places in BDO where it seems like the fish are biting nonstop, making them a popular place for aspiring fishermen to cast their hooks. In these highly sought-after spots, you may anticipate:

1. Abundant fish resources: The fish practically leap onto your hook! You’ll find more fish here compared to regular fishing spots, meaning you’ll spend less time waiting and more time reeling in your catch.

2. Higher chances of rare fish species: Want to catch a valuable fish like the elusive Coelacanth? At a hotspot, your chances greatly rise.

3. Faster catch rates: With the sheer number of fish available at a hotspot, you’ll be able to haul in your catches at an astonishing pace.

Benefits of fishing at Hotspots

There are some benefits as well to fishing at hotspots in Black Desert Online. Let us quickly get through those benefits as well.

1. Increased income from selling valuable fish species: When you get the big fish that is of amazing quality, it means it will give you so much of benefits. If you are able to find rare and valuable fish it means you are going to get loads of money. So, fishing at a hotspot will give you so much benefit.

2. Time efficiency: If you don’t want to waste much of your time and want to have as much cash as you can, you should be fishing at hotspots in Black Desert Onlne. Hotspots provide the best return on your time investment if you want to level up rapidly or make some quick money.

3. Better experience points (XP) gained for leveling up: Hotspots make you catch more fish and better fish, thus it makes sense that you’ll level up much faster there than you would elsewhere.

Identifying Fishing Hotspots in BDO

We are talking about the fishing hotspots in Black Desert Online but do we know how to identify the fishing hotspots in Black Desert Online, if you are an old player you must know the fishing hotspots by now but if you are someone who just started playing Black Desert Online, then do not worry we are here for you. Let us know how can we identify the fishing hotspot in Black Desert Online.

1. Spotting Seagulls and Jumping Fish

The best way to locate a hotspot is through searching for visual indicators in the game’s environment. You can recognize a hotspot by the presence of fish jumping out of the water or seagulls circling above the water. In BDO’s wide oceans and seas, keep an eye out for these tiny indications since they are worth their weight in gold (or should we say silver?).

2. Using the ‘Fish Guide’ Feature as a Hint for Potential Hotspots Location

BDO’s very own Fish Guide is an additional resource that can be helpful in your search for fishing destinations. All fish species that are available in the game are listed here, along with their corresponding habitats. If you observe that certain valuable or rare species can only be found in a particular location, there probably exists a hotspot nearby that is just waiting to be located.

3. Community-shared hotspot maps and resources

Last but not least, keep in mind the influence of local expertise! Many devoted players have devoted many hours to mapping out the best places to go BDO fishing and disseminating their discoveries. Websites, forums, and Discord channels all provide useful details on well-known hotspot spots.

When looking for hotspots, don’t be afraid to use this common knowledge; after all, many hands really do make light work! Just keep in mind that hotspots could disappear over time or new ones could appear, so it’s always a good idea to follow what the community is learning.

Fishing Mechanics & Strategies for Maximizing Profit at Hotspots

You want to maximize the profit. Right? Let us now discuss the mechanics and strategies for maximizing profit at fishing hotspots in Black Desert Online. Here are some tips and tricks to keep in mind:

1. Auto-Fishing vs Active Fishing: Pros, Cons, and When to Use Each Method

Auto-fishing (AFK) and active fishing are the two main fishing techniques offered by BDO. You can let your character pull in fish for a bit while unattended by using auto-fishing. For players who wish to multitask or take a break from active games, this technique works brilliantly.

Active fishing, on the other hand, entails physically casting your line and engaging in a mini-game whenever you hook a fish. While the player must pay closer attention, this strategy frequently yields faster catch rates and greater chances of capturing rare species.

Consider employing the active technique in BDO fishing hotspots to quickly level up or fill inventory slots with important fish. Alternatively, auto-fishing can still produce good results if you prefer a more hands-off method.

2. Mastering the Mini-Game for Faster Catches

Being an expert at the mini-game will significantly increase your catch rate when actively fishing at hotspots. Once you’ve hooked a fish, pay special attention to the keys that appear on the screen in the precise order. Hitting them quickly will guarantee a catch each and every time.

3. Trading-in Fish: How to Maximize Profit From Hotspot Catches

It’s crucial to understand the best methods for selling those prize-winning specimens once you’ve brought in a significant harvest from Black Desert Online fishing destinations. The fish you sell will be gratefully purchased by Trade Managers in various cities, but selling them farther away from where they were caught will earn you distance bonuses on top of their base worth, so don’t be afraid to travel for better trade deals!

Fishing Equipment to Fish

It is important for you to know what equipment you need in order to fish in Black Dessert so that you can make your gameplay better and amazing. There are some basic and necessary equipment you should have and if you are a beginner it would be hard for you to keep a record of all the equipment. Just read you will get to know all the equipment you need in order to fish in Black Desert.

Obtaining A Fishing Rod

It is important for you to have a fishing rod if you are thinking of fishing in the Black Desert. You can get a fishing rod by building, buying, and earning. Buy fishing rods from fisher merchants. Many of the Otters near the shorelines will sell fishing gear. You can also check at markets and with material merchants. You can also earn them as quest rewards or have your workers build one in a tool workshop.

Other pieces of equipment

The fishing rod is a must if you want to fish in the game of Black Desert, but there are some other equipment that you should consider. Some of them are mentioned below.

  • Floats: You can also call them a second weapon. It provides additional aid in securing big and rare catches. There are basically two types of Floats you can see.
    1. Ash Tree Float: It comes with an extra 1% chance to reel in big fish catches, and requires a Professional level 1 to equip.
    2. Maple Tree Float: It comes with an extra 1% chance to reel in rare catches, and requires Artisan level 1 to equip.
  • Fishing attire: Proper fishing attire is also important if you want to go fishing in the game of Black Desert.
  • Harpoons: These are also some of the best equipment for fishing. These are needed to catch certain (usually rarer) species of fish. They can be obtained through leveling your fishing skills or crafted at Tool Workshops in port towns or seaside lodgings.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

Let us go through all the frequently asked questions people ask very often.

Q1. Can you buy fish in BDO?

A1. Yes, You can definitely buy fish in BDO. There are many people you see in the game selling fish and you can find them almost in every village. You can easily buy fish from them in Black Desert Online.

Q2. What is the best place to fish in BDO?

A2. There are many places you can choose from to fish but if you are in search of the best place to fish then the answer would be Ross Sea and Margoria. You can fish at Ross Sea and Margoria in the BDO.

Q3. What is the best fishing rod and equipment for beginners?

A3.. For active fishing, you should use a Triple Float Rod (if available) Mediah Rod for freshwater fishing, and a Calpheon Rod for saltwater fishing. If you are a pro player then it must be clear to you by now but if you are a beginner you can consider trying using this equipment.

Q4. What are the benefits of fishing at a fishing hotspot in Black Desert Online?

A4. There are many benefits you can get after fishing at a fishing hotspot in the Black Desert Online game such as increased income from selling valuable fish species, time efficiency and Better experience points (XP) gained for leveling up. I would suggest you fish at the fishing hotspot in Black Desert Online.

Q5. What’s the significance of Hotspots?

A5. Hotspots are places where there are more opportunities to find valuable objects like rare fish and artifacts. After some time, they relocate.

Wrapping Up!

Black Desert Online is a game that has made its fanbase on a very great level, Every newbie who starts playing Black Desert Online asks many question about the game but the one question that remain constant is the best places to fish in Black Desert Online. When I first started playing the game I also had the same questions in my mind so we know how frustrating it can get.

We gathered all the places after researching that these places could be best to fish in BDO then came up with the list. Every place that we mentioned is worth trying and the best place to fish in BDO. If you are a beginner and just started playing then it must be a little difficult for you to find these places but if you are someone who knows this game better then this list is just the cherry on the cake for you.

I hope that you liked the article and found what you were looking for. If you liked the article please share this with your family and friends do not forget to tell us in the comment box which place to fish in BDO you liked the most and if you have any other places in mind we will be glad to know tell us in the comment section. If you have any other queries related to this post do ask us in the comment section we will reach out to you as soon as possible. Keep connected for upcoming articles.

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